A new report suggests that long lead times for vehicles in the UK, including cars and vans, are likely to continue for some time…
Lengthy Lead Times to Continue
Unfortunately for the automotive industry, 2023 doesn’t appear as though it’s going to be an easy one. In its annual report, leasing company Alphabet suggests that lengthy lead times for both new cars and vans will continue throughout the year. This is due to a combination of factors, including high demand, rising inflation and the rising cost of raw materials.
In addition, price increases and reduced manufacturer discounts are making it harder for businesses to properly plan, and budget for, vehicle requirements. The Fleet Report 2022 stresses that it’s critical that businesses plan ahead, securing orders as early as is possible; whilst making use of rental options in between gaps in supply.
SMEs Need to Prepare
Alphabet’s report emphasises that small to medium-sized fleets and businesses are most at risk. This is because they often lack a dedicated fleet manager; and, therefore, a formal strategy concerning vehicle procurement. Instead, vehicle-related issues are often handled by a variety of roles. When there’s additional pressure, such as now, this can test members of staff and disrupt other areas of the business.
It’s crucial, then, that SMEs think critically about their vehicles and sourcing new ones; putting a formal strategy in place, and ensuring that new orders are made at the earliest possible opportunity. Alternative options, such as rental vehicles, also need to be considered as way of navigating delays and disruption.
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